March 22, 2010

Slaughter Rule Considered for Fall Elections

WASHINGTON, DC -- After the successful passage this past week of the much-anticipated Health Care Reform Bill, Federal Government leaders are considering applying the "Slaughter Rule" to the upcoming elections.  Louise Slaughter is chair of the House Rules Committee and the person who has authorized the use of something called the "hereby rule" to bypass many of the archaic and time-consuming checks, balances, and procedures regarding bills before congress. Many of these rules - such as "voting" - have been deemed by constitution scholars to be mere formalities once leaders divine what voters really want.

Congressional leaders and the President are researching whether a similar "Slaughter rule" can be used for election of officials themselves. A staffer working on the project noted "the President - who taught constitutional law for years and has read most of the document - thought the idea up himself, using that big brain of his."  The proposal currently being mulled by Democratic leaders is to have elections bypassed altogether once candidates - especially incumbents - determine who the voters really want.

"A main advantage is the time this would save everyone. Voters wouldn't have to wait in line on election day, media wouldn't have to waste time with updates all day and night... the list goes on. Not to mention the weeks spent on recounts and challenges," added the staffer, who asked not to be named.

She went on to say they are confident the measure will be enacted by end of summer, "We're thinking we should be able to get this concept passed without a vote, or at least not one requiring a supermajority in the Senate."

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